Hate is a strong word but it's completely appropriate for this situation. Made it down to the place I'm gonna apply (think construction, but like roads and stuff) as a rock picker (I walk behind a machine and throw rocks it misses into it) for stupid amounts of money, only to find out that 1. they require a ten year driving record (not that you've been driving for 10 years, just the history) which I don't have and 2. all their positions have been filled, but I'm more than welcome to put in an app. That being said though, the job and the climate here are so shitty that they have a lot of people just stop showing up to work, so it's still worth filling out the app (which is 30 pages long and includes a questionnaire). On the way over there I almost got splattered by a tow truck driver. He saw me, he just didn't care. This is why I hate people. Not persons, I'm sure the guy is actually quite nice in person, but he was a people.
So now I have an interesting v neck sun burn, and since I wear fingerless gloves on my motorcycle since it so damn hot, it looks like I'm wearing white gloves and painted my hand pink. Whee!
Good Enough Movies: LEGEND (1985)
8 years ago
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