No one does. Yes, there is something to say of willpower and keeping positive attitudes. Still, the mind is a complex thing, and to deny one part of it is to deny the whole. Accept that part, do not let it control you, but acknowledge it. Count to three. Then ten. Then a hundred.
I consider myself a gentle man. I am slow to anger. I am rich in trust. I am deep in thought, and reserve my words as best I can. Still. It takes a special person to earn my respect, a good person to earn my love, and a very unique person to return it. In turn, it takes a special person to lose my respect. A horrid person to earn my hate A very unique person to make me hate myself.
I have found the latter. A person that makes me honestly hate so much that I feel physically ill, and want to spit and wash myself to get this... horrid feeling off of me.
I try to focus on other things. Brighter things. New friends. Old friends. Family that loves me. Family that tolerates me. A good book. Yet my mind falls to that which I cannot explain, the idiocy. The hypocrisy. The irreverence, the disrespect.
How can a person act thus and still consider themselves a person? I care not for the reason behind their disdain. Tolerance is what makes us people. Not skill. Not tall buildings. Not money, certainly. People that refuse to even acknowledge any point of view but their own are ignorant animals, undeserving of the title of person. I don't mean to say one shouldn't believe what they believe. I mean to say that one should honestly consider what someone else has to say, to look at them not as you, but as someone else. If you look at a statue on one side, you have a pretty good idea of what the other side is, but to think your side is best without seeing or even acknowledging that there even IS another side, is simple foolishness and idiocy.
So in closing. You are NOT all knowing. You are NOT perfect. You are NOT better than anyone else because you have more education, more power, more money, a better situation. I am a person. I am me. I have my own problems. I have my own situation. I have my own way of dealing with emotional stress, finances, and my own priorities.
Good Enough Movies: LEGEND (1985)
8 years ago
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