Dear reader. I have failed you.
Between work, work, and work, I've not made the time to update. For that, I am not sorry. I am regretful it could not have been better, circumstances had been more fortunate, but alas, they were not.
Speaking of work. Six jobs in six months. GO ME! Landed a sweet job, got laid off. Worked at a bank, got laid off. So now I sell guns. For minimum wage. FML.
Still, there are far worse jobs. I'm a glorified sales position. I face death every time the door opens. Speaking of which, just the other day, a lady walked up to the counter with some holsters. Next thing I know, she's pulling her fully loaded, no safety firearm out of her concealed holster. No warnings. No "i'm going to take out my gun and try these" (which, by the way, we don't allow). She was about one twitch away from three 45 caliber holes in her fucking face.
I've never killed anyone before. Hell, I've never even been in a fight that didn't end almost immediately. It's sobering to know that I'm not afraid to pull my gun and shoot someone if I have to, but holy shit. I almost killed a person. Fuck, only reason she's alive is I was faster than her. By the time she was out of her holster I had my gun out and safety off. Of the thirty thousand things going on in my mind, the one thing that stopped me was "if that points at me or anyone but the floor, she's dead. If that MOVES TOWARD me or anyone, she's dead". So she drops the mag, ejects the LIVE FUCKING ROUND onto the floor, and I put mine away. She then has the gall to go "so will these fit my gun?" To which I reply "mam, you just pulled a loaded fire arm in my lobby. I almost shot you. Your firearm needs to remain holstered unless you are in the range or need arises. If a cop had seen that, you would have your permit revoked." Know what she said?
"Oh... okay. So will these fit then?" Like I just told her her jeans were too tight.
Fuck you lady. Fuck you to death.
Minimum wage? I think I'm underpaid.
So, for my next post... RELIGION! :D
Good Enough Movies: LEGEND (1985)
8 years ago
not gonna lie, that's some pretty scary stuff, but i just want to point out that if you told her that her jeans were too tight, that might have been the thing that would set her off. chicks can be sensitive about the wierdiest things! o.O
totally off topic, but i got the red squiggly under the word wierdest. upon right clicking it, the only suggestion was Dniester...