We all have bad memories.
Decisions we made that we regret, or if not regret then wish we had chosen differently.
We all have had awful tastes in our mouths... felt dirty, unclean.
We've all said or done something that hurt someone... whether intended or not.
We've all had things said or done to us which rend us, make us weep. Events which crushed our spirits, broke our hearts, traumatized us. Sometimes, we weren't on the receiving end of these things... and that can be so much worse.
These all live in our memories. They define us, along with the good. So don't throw out the bad memories. Keep them locked away for a time, until the pain has dulled somewhat. Remember them, along side the happy times. Do not dwell on them, but learn. The ugly truths are what make life so much more beautiful. Cherish the good times, because they are worth living for, alongside the bad.
Tempus Fugit. Memento Mori. Macto Vita.
Merry Christmas, Dear Reader. And to all, a good night.
(cliche, but appropriate I think.)
Love always,
The Legendary Fool
Good Enough Movies: LEGEND (1985)
8 years ago
I’ve been dating a Russian girl for two years and now I want to marry her. She is very compassionate, attentive, and caring unlike Western women I met before. She cooks great and her family is very hospitable. I have to go with her to her relatives for all holidays but I like this experience. Love her very much. dating