Here's the deal folks. This house is not a home. I come here to sleep, get yelled at, and to steal utilities. I am over two decades old. ANYWHERE IN THE WORLD I AM AN ADULT.
1. I am to give. GIVE. Them money. Just because they say. Not even for rent. Rent is separate.
2. I am not allowed to eat after 8pm. I don't get home till after 10. This includes water.
3. I am grounded from church. CHURCH.
4. I am to get my own cellphone plan by the end of the year. Fuck me paying him for my line.
5. I have a 10pm curfew, with a 'lights out' clause at the same time. Once again. I'm 21. Try it. I will end you.
Did I mention that I am to be loving and grateful for all the things I get? Like bills and tuition and books and food and drinks
=D These are a few of my least favorite things =)~
I think I'll be moving out before the end of the year. Thought this would make me feel better. It didn't. Guess I'll go cause some pain and suffering on some cookies. OH WAIT I FORGOT I'M NOT ALLOWED TO EAT THE COOKIES I BOUGHT.
Good Enough Movies: LEGEND (1985)
8 years ago
Sounds to me like serious control freak issues...I used to deal with those too. I dunno what happened, but my dad's gotten better about it...out of nowhere, too. Maybe yours will too soon.