So, I recently started a new DnD 3.5
Oh, I'm playing a chaotic good level 3 human cleric of Corellon Larethian. I've really sunk my teeth into this characters story, personality, virtues and vices, and personality flaws.
He was orphaned and left to die in the woods as a newborn, but was raised by elves (bet you'll never guess why his patron is Corellon!) Left to die by his parents, an outcast raised communally by the elves, and only recently returning to "civilization" took their toll, and he's a very bitter and angry person. However, he has strict moral guidelines he follows, and isn't afraid to have a heated argument about it. He's got a slight drinking problem, and is almost always buys the first round, not that he's being nice, just that he wants a drink and doesn't want any trouble.
Coarse with his allies but unforgiving with his enemies, he's definitely someone you want to watch your back. His word is his honor, and he'll never back down from a fight he feels is right.
For example, a young girl was attacked by some were rats (not really sure where the whole 'were-thing' is going right now, but it could turn into something interesting). Instead of standing his ground and doing the tactically proper thing, he charges in, bullrushes one of the wererats away, and basically stands over her till the fight is over (despite being yelled at by his more than capable group mates to "move his ass and heal them").
I am REALLY liking this character. Also, he has an authority problem (my DM hates me :D) I'm thinking of taking him 2/3 cleric 1/3 rogue, I've always liked that combo.
I'll also be starting another, not DnD game that is based entirely on the d10 with ANOTHER group. I believe it's called The World of Darkness
Anyway, homework and sleep beckon, but maybe not in that order. Next time, I'm thinking I'm gonna do a book review on one of my favorite recent series
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