I am me. I think, therefore I am. I question, therefore I am sentient. I feel, therefore I am alive.
If you've ever gone job hunting before, you realize there are a lot of unwritten social rules to how society works. We aren't allowed to wear whatever we want, or dye our hair whatever color we wish. Piercings, tattoos, even expressions are tailored. You can't go to a job interview with a mohawk and expect to be hired, even if you're qualified. I once knew a doctor (not a medical doctor, but a physics doctor) who gave lectures and had dyed blue hair, spacer piercings, and a nose ring. He was forced to either get rid of the piercings and cut/un-dye his hair, or lose his job at the university he spoke at, even though he got the job straight out of college based solely on his merits.
What kind of just society is that? I know there's a deeper argument to get into here... such as, as soon as you allow the guy with piercings to be a teacher, you have to allow the girl that wears nothing but a ribbon and a string to be a teacher, but I do think we can be far more open minded without making anyone that doesn't meet our double standards an outcast. There's compromises to be made by both parties.
Bah. /endrant.
Good Enough Movies: LEGEND (1985)
8 years ago
welcome to America, land of the "free"...
ReplyDeleteI have to admit, we're a lot more "free" than most countries. Still, it's like "Be true to yourself! ... unless what you like is different than what I think you should like. Even if it's the same, go fuck yourself." :D