The touch screen is a definite plus in this game. They really nailed streamlining the menus and battles with it.
There's so much new stuff that SS and HG provide. The Pokewalker is a neat little addon that lets you find items, pokemon, and even gain a level or two while you walk. The Pokeathalon Dome offers some neat (if frustrating) touch pad only mini games. The Safari Zone is back, and has a bit more to offer than just a timed pokeball throwing bonanza with customizable zones (you change the six 'areas' to catch different pokemon). There's also a Battle Frontier, which I haven't messed with yet, and ANOTHER mini game that was prevalent in the gen 3+ games who's name escapes me.
With the DS wireless connection, you can trade or battle with friends without cumbersome cords. With the Nintendo WiFi connection, you can play with people all over the world, and not just trading/battling! There's MORE MINIGAMES you can play against players from all over the PLANET!
And your pokemon get to follow you around. This is by far my favorite new feature. Every pokemon has a sprite model in addition to the battle screen and menu screen. Every time my Evee hugs me, I go ^_^
This is how remakes should be... keep what was amazing about the original, but add in new features, new graphics, and new content. I give this a 10/10, and wish I could give it more. Props Nintendo. I didn't even feel bad paying full price for this on release week. If the upcoming Pokemon Black and White are anything like this, I just might have to start saving up to get them.
Pokefans, this isn't a cut and dry rerelease with fancier graphics. Get this game! Pokehaters, go die. Or just don't buy this game. <3
Till next time, happy reading.
evee ftw!