But I'm not writing a synopsis. I don't believe in spoilers, so that's all I'm gonna give you story wise. Game play on the other hand is a different story. In the FFIV I played back on the PS1, it started out with an epic cinematic. Then you went forth as your eight bit sprite. The battle scene used slighter better drawn than you eight bit monsters/people. The battle screen used an active/wait bar system, and your basic Attack/Special/magic/item menu system for abilities. Like I said, pretty cut and dry RPG system.
The DS version, however, you're treated to remastered music and cinematics. Other than a nifty graphics and sound update, there's not much to say about it. Aesthetically, your eight bit sprites are replaces with goofy looking big headed articulated rag doll sprites. Here's a reference for you:
Battle scenehttp://images3.wikia.nocookie.net/__cb20100219214224/finalfantasy/images/c/c7/FFIV_Battle_DS.png
Some scripted in game conversations have been given voice overs, which breaks a bit of the monotony from spamming your 'next' key. The voice acting is decent enough, but you still have to deal with wonky looking childish sprites.
So what does this version have to offer you other than shiny new graphics, remastered sound, and a bit of voice acting? Not a lot. There's no touch screen features that I've found yet, though the dual screens are used to pretty decent cinematic effect. Spells got a bit of an overhaul, but that falls into graphics. A few inconsequential characters are added, such as a rabbit person that gives you prizes for fully mapping out dungeons.
That being said, it's still a solid game. I picked it up for nostalgia's sake, and to finally beat a game who's story I was drawn into. So is it a good game? Yeah. Is it worth picking up if you've already beaten it? Only if you're a hard core FF fan. If this were the first time I played FFIV, I'd probably give it 8/10. But since it's a straight copy with not much more than shiny bells and whistles, with the same clunky battle menus, I have to give it a 7/10. Worth the ride if you love Final Fantasy and old school cookie cutter RPGs.
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