Saturday, June 4, 2011

Here's the deal

We had a "serious, sit down discussion", like you wanted.  We made THE RULES.  It's your house.  I respect that, and while it is frustrating that I'm (your words, not mine) "A full grown adult" who has the same curfew as minors, I follow it because again, it's your house, your rules.

Here's the thing though.  I'm in college.  I have a hard lights out Sunday through Thursday.  That, I'm afraid, DOESN"T WORK.  Again, though, I'm forced to acquiesce.  Friday and Saturday (it's in writing, so fuck you) I very clearly DO NOT HAVE A LIGHTS OUT.  PERIOD.  Why, then, do you come in after midnight and yell at me to "stop being a vampire?"  Do you not understand what a vampire is?  Because I assure you, I am not one.

Now that I've pointed that out to you, reasonably, articulately, etc. you've assumed a new tactic.  "If I make him get up early enough he'll HAVE to go to bed when I want him to.  To that, I have this to say:  Grow up.

You don't control me anymore; I LET YOU make the rules.  I COULD move out, but my quality of life would (I know, sounds crazy) be shit, and it'd just be a whole new bucket of stresses.

So let me outline something for you.  I follow your rules, I get yelled at and have to deal with the (usually hollow) threats.  I DON'T follow your rules, I get yelled at and have to deal with the (usually hollow) threats, with a slew of insults thrown at me for good measure.

So I really don't see the difference.  I'll just continue doing whatever the fuck I want because either way, I'm gonna get the same consequences.  Feels good to get that outta my system.

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